Tuesday, January 19, 2010

More info for my Outline

Today I worked on completing my outline. I've got notes for eight of my ten foundation questions and I'm still putting them on my outline. Getting the notes off the internet is easy, but organizing them on an outline is a little more complicated. Putting the foundation questions in order was easy, until I start looking at my notes all together and realized that some notes for one foundaton question also fit with another question. The dilemma of which question to put the notes under is a reoccurring problem for me. When writing the outline I also realize how the different subcatergories need more information to back up a statement. I moving along through this process and I'm wondering if I'll have time to work on other parts of my graduation project. I still need to do an interview and work on my action plan.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Here we again

I'm still taking notes on some questions that are very crucial to my graduation project. I'm happy because there is so much information so far. I don't think I'll have to much trouble answering my questions.